The Fine Arts - Art Option offers the first two years of concentrated study in studio courses for students planning to transfer to a visual arts bachelor's program.
The program trains students in the study of art history, criticism, techniques and materials, and to produce a portfolio of artwork in preparation for transfer to a four-year fine arts program.
Graduates of the program will be able to:
- Define the basic art elements and apply these fundamentals to demonstrate strong foundational knowledge of Fine Arts techniques and materials.
- Recognize works of art from various historical periods and styles and identify the artists that produced them.
- Critique works of art demonstrating critical and visual thinking skills and synthesize and implement this information in individual artistic production.
- Synthesize art historical influences and personal experience in the creation of work of art and develop awareness of the roles of tradition and experimentation in artmaking.
- Produce a portfolio of artwork in preparation for transfer to a four-year BFA program in a university or art school setting.
Algebra I is a prerequisite for all majors. Algebra I competency may be verified with a passing score on the College’s placement test or completion of the appropriate course.