These forms may be required in order to do business with the College.
All bidders must abide by COVID regulations and College policy when attending pre-bid meetings or public openings.
Bidders or members of the general public wishing to attend a bid opening virtually must send an email to purchasing@middlesexcc.edu to request a Zoom link.
Bids and proposals must have ORIGINAL signature(s) and must be returned to Chambers Hall Room 219 prior to the closing date and time (electronic responses such as email or fax are not accepted for Bids or Requests for Proposals).
Bidders must download specifications directly from the Procurement Portal in order to be considered a registered bid / RFP holder. Vendors are encouraged to read The Home News Tribune for publications of legal ads for bid announcements. Preliminary results posted are pending legal review and Board of Trustees approval.
Middlesex College awarded degrees and certificates to 1,492 students who comprise the Class of 2024.