Emergency Communications
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Middlesex College and the Middlesex College Police Department are pleased to announce that on Monday, July 17th, 2023, the College entered into a shared services agreement with the Rutgers University Shared Services Emergency Communications Center (SSECC). The SSECC will handle all calls, dispatch, and public safety telecommunications services for the Middlesex College Police Department (MCPD). This includes both 9-1-1 calls and non-emergency calls to the MCPD telephone number.
The SSECC also handles emergency dispatching services for the Borough of Metuchen, City of New Brunswick, and all of Rutgers University’s campuses and serves as the Text to 9-1-1 site for all of Middlesex County. All public safety telecommunicators and communications supervisors in the SSECC’s CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) accredited Center are trained in Fire, Law and Emergency Medical Dispatching.
We are excited to have all dispatch services run through the Rutgers University SSECC, and believe the shared use of public safety resources will be most beneficial to the communities we serve.
The Middlesex College Police Department offers a broad range of policing services for students, faculty, staff and visitors to the campus and its centers.
The department also has the authority to enforce traffic rules and regulations of all vehicles on College property. Rules and Regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Please take a moment to watch our Surviving an Active Shooter video. We don’t want you to be scared, we want you to be prepared.
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Learn about where to park, appealing a ticket, violations and penalties, and registering a vehicle.
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Information and forms related to reporting officer/employee misconduct.
This report is provides security and safety information and campus crime statistics.
Access motor vehicle accident reports online upon completion and approval of the report.